


An Introduction of the Practice of Taiwanese Design Culture -A Research via Wedding Card Design-


張世傑(Shih-Chieh Chang);連德仁(Te-Jen Lien)


文化務實 ; 臺灣文化 ; 臺灣文化設計實踐 ; 喜帖設計 ; 後解嚴時代 ; cultural practicality ; Taiwanese culture ; the practice of Taiwanese design culture ; wedding card design ; post martial law times




21期(2017 / 12 / 01)


37 - 56




人類學家Roger M. Keesing提出,現代人類學必須別於傳統,不能僅研究正在消逝或已消逝的人類社會生活方式,須研究正在發生的事情且務實探討以面對問題。此關鍵論點之於文化面向的探究亦值得借石攻錯、審新思維,而文化既是人類生活累積與演進的呈現,那麼同樣以務實面對的態度探討其真義則相形必需。臺灣史若以漢文字載述而論,早年因著開墾移民,文化上主要承源於華夏漢民族之風,後因異國殖民與早年社會觀需求之移民,再加上近代原住民族意識復興與現代以東南亞為主的新住民,所累積的文化能量已產生出新的質變,且融合出臺灣社會具包容與尊重的多元文化現象。故而本文欲爰此以現代人類學觀點為定錨學理,探討臺灣設計之文化表現實踐景況,並透過研究者長年在喜帖設計的實務經驗為載體,藉由KJ法的運用歸納分析,梳理臺灣喜帖設計遞嬗的文化觀,藉以提出在「文化務實」的現態下,現今從事文化設計工作者值須思辨之三項參考:文化務實以豐厚設計之涵養、建立在地學研究與設計學事務的充分鏈接、後解嚴時代臺灣文化設計表現需有展望之信心,希冀從而能使臺灣文化之務實設計實踐,興出一番可遠瞻而見的經濟藍海於未來。


Summary Anthropologist Roger M. Keesing suggests that avoiding traditional thinking patterns in contemporary anthropology is necessary. Studying not only fading or faded human social lifestyles but also on-going events are equally requisite; furthermore, to encounter problems, resolving them practically is also indispensable. It's worthwhile to apply this perspective to cultural studies. Since culture is a presence of the accumulation and evolution of human lifestyles, it's essential to explore the authentic meaning of it by the same practical attitude. From the perspective of Han linguistics, during the early years of immigration and reclamation of Taiwan, the culture mainly inherited from the China Han ethnic group. Later, merged with the culture of exotically colonial and socially demanding immigrants and then the rejuvenating native tribes and the recent Southeast Asian immigrants, Taiwanese culture has been transformed and fused into a multicultural appearance, which also manifests the embracing and respectful traits of Taiwanese society. Therefore, this paper adopts this principle of contemporary anthropology to explore the current situation of the cultural practice in Taiwanese design industry. Meanwhile, through the author's long-term, practical experience of wedding card design and by the application of the KJ method, this paper exhibits the cultural notions of Taiwanese wedding card design. Also, with the approach of cultural practicality, the author brings up three concepts that are worth considering for modern cultural design workers, which are enhancing the ample profundity of design by cultural practicality, establishing the adequate joint of indigenous studies and academic research, and forming the essential confidence of design culture in the post martial law times. Hoping that Taiwan will attain the foreseeable economic prosperity in the near future by the practice of cultural practicality.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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