


A Comparative Study on Philosophy of Graphic Design Thinking Ying-xing Sung's Tian-kung Kai-wu and Da Vinci's notes


姜寶美(Pao-Mei Chiang);黃承令(Ching-Ling Huang);吳珮涵(Pei-Han Wu)


圖文設計思考 ; 設計哲學 ; 天工開物 ; 達文西筆記 ; Graphic Design Thinking ; Design philosophy ; Tian-kung Kai-wu ; Da Vinci notes




22期(2018 / 12 / 01)


111 - 129




中國明代宋應星(1587-1663)與義大利文藝復興時期的李奧納多.達文西(Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519)為東西方著名的科學家,他們在科學和藝術之研究論述甚多,但尚未有文獻以哲學角度探討兩者圖文設計思考哲理上之異同。本研究以宋應星代表著作《天工開物》與達文西《筆記》手稿進行文獻檢證法分析與圖文比對,藉以了解東西方設計思考與圖文設計形式之異同。結果顯示:(1)兩者在設計思考上皆專精於實地觀察,視覺經驗記錄和圖文歸納,給予現象理論之解釋包含統計量化驗證等程序及跨領域知識技術整合見聞,破除傳言、教條、迷信等問題,兩者在設計思維論證較為相同,顯見自然科學與實證研究的脈絡軌跡,比笛卡爾(Rene Descartes, 1596-1650)、牛頓(I. Newton, 1642-1727)的自然科學研究、孔德(Auguste Comte, 1798-1857)倡導之實證主義思潮年代更早許多。其思維層次、路徑模式與執行策略上均較相同,但於思考程序方法、思維路徑及創意思維等皆具顯著差異。(2)兩者圖文整合表現形式皆透過「文字」與「圖像」紀錄呈現,領域相近的有機械、兵器、火藥、工程、水利、植物學及自然現象等。(3)圖文設計形式之文本探勘、樣式、規格尺寸、特色、文字結構、慣用畫法、線條、編排、空間布局、表現風格等皆有顯著差異。本研究為圖文設計思考在哲理方面的比較研究,成果能提供跨領域設計研究之參考,亦可作為後續研究之基礎。


Chinese Ying-xing Sung (1587-1663), of the Ming Dynasty, and Italian Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), of the Renaissance period, were two celebrated scientists from the East and West. There are numerous research papers on their scientific achievements and artistry but no literature focusing on the differences in their design thinking and graphic expression. Therefore, this paper uses document analysis to compare Ying-xing Sung's Tian-kung Kai-wu and da Vinci's notes, thus helping us understand the similarities and differences in their design thinking and graphic design form. Results show: (1) Both of them use field observations, recording visual experiences and using graphic sketches to offer explanations for natural phenomena, incorporating processes of statistics, quantification, and verification. Their design thinking modes are similar in how they integrate interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, so as to disqualify rumors, doctrine, and superstition, as well as fragments of natural science and empirical research. They also resemble each other in their methodology and execution yet differ in their thought and creative processes.(2)The fields they similarly focus on are machinery, weaponry, gunpowder, engineering, hydromechanics, botany and natural phenomena.(3)Because of differences in their text mining, their graphic design forms and drawing styles vary greatly. We expect this study to serve not only as a medium for interdisciplinary "Design Thinking" but also as a basis for further research.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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