Currently, many shop signs in mainland China use traditional Chinese characters. The difference in the composition of the simplified and traditional Chinese characters creates a difference in visual preferences. This study aims to clarify the factors that influence the preference of traditional and simplified Chinese characters for signboards, and to construct a factor structure. Based on literature discussion and data analysis, five factors are identified: proportional structure, visual center, dimensions, writing lines, and blank space. In addition, five groups of signage scenes in different industries with simplified and traditional Chinese characters are identified, and a questionnaire is designed and distributed to the young generation in mainland China. T-test for gender and ANOVA test for regions have been conducted on the data from the returned questionnaires and it is found that there is no significant difference in gender and significant difference between regions. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) are used to verify the degree of convergence of the five factors. Finally, through changes and modifications to the model, a reasonable and accurate " Signage Preference for Simplified and Traditional Chinese " measurement model will be constructed for the young generation in mainland China.
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