In recent years, people's demand for snacks has increased. In such a huge market, except the snacks need to be delicious, the taste should also be constantly updated. When a new snack is about to launch, consumers haven't tried this snack, so the most important thing is the consumer's first impression of the product's "package design". The "visual design" of the package is a very important part of product promotion. The study collect 32 spicy laminated aluminum toil bags' packaging samples and discuss about their visual design, integrate and summarize the style of packaging design in each area, and explore the relationship between visual elements and the impression of spicy. Through literature collection and element analysis, chromatics analysis, and analysis of element presentation methods to discuss the spicy laminated aluminum toil bags' packaging design on the market. Research results show that the packaging styles of spicy laminated aluminum toil bags on the market have a certain range, and the chilis and the picture of snacks usually appear on the packaging, and the auxiliary elements use sharp and hard elements. In the color part, saturated red is mostly used as the background color, and the orange and black are used to create a strong contrast, showing the strong and stimulating meaning of spicy. And the presentation of elements part, most of the elements on the packages are presented in natural photography, and a few of them use graphic symbology and abstract symbology to present elements.
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