


A Study on Consumer Sensitivity toward Interactive Advertisements


陳凱筠(Chen, Kai-Yun);鄧成連(Teng, Cheng-Lein);陳俊宏(Chen, Jun-Hong)


傳統廣告 ; 互動廣告 ; 新媒體 ; VR/AR ; 感受度 ; traditional advertisement ; interactive advertisement ; new media ; VR/AR ; sensitivity




25期(2022 / 01 / 01)


48 - 67




本研究旨在瞭解消費者對不同廣告形式之感受度,以期提升廣告主與消費者之間的溝通效率;在資訊超載的今日,廣告局勢日益艱難,媒體形式本就與生活型態息息相關,在傳統廣告型態邁向新媒體、社交媒體之時,全球疫情肆虐,情非得已的居家形態迫使廣告寒冬期驟至,瞬間縮短了廣告媒體的過渡期,疫情衝擊經濟之下,廣告處境更形困頓;然廣告與生活畢竟密切相關,且反映出社會文化,約翰.柏格(John Berger)說過:廣告是消費社會的文化。好的廣告不僅能形成當代流行語言更會沈澱成共同記憶;儘管消費者不會主動去看廣告,但廣告對現代生活而言仍是不可或缺;是以本研究希冀覓得廣告與消費者之間的最佳媒介,以傳統廣告與互動廣告之感受度為視角,探討廣告應以何姿態重整旗鼓,以博得消費者青睞。經本研究問卷調查分析後發現,傳統型戶外看板消費者感受力最低,而具影音優勢的電視廣告消費者的感受度亦不佳,足見消費者對廣告的慣有手法較為無感,而手機互動廣告看似便利且具有一定的誘因(參加汽車抽獎),但或許因參與步驟繁瑣且普遍中獎率低,因此消費者對此廣告的感受度亦不理想;在感受度較高的一群中,則涵括了傳統的平面、戶外、與影音等形式之互動型廣告,顯見廣告加諸互動因素,對消費者而言確實更具吸引力與話題性。


This study is aimed at understanding consumer sensitivity toward different types of advertisements to improve communication efficiency between advertisers and consumers. Nowadays, with the overload of information, advertising is becoming increasingly difficult. The media forms have always been closely related to lifestyles. As traditional advertising moved toward new media and social media, the pandemic began to ravage worldwide, forcing people to stay at home. This caused the advertising industry to enter into a period of winter suddenly and shortened the transitional period for advertisement mediums instantly. Under an economy that has been severely impacted by a pandemic, advertising has become more difficult. However, there is indeed a close relationship between advertising and life, and advertisements do reflect social culture. John Berger said that advertising is a culture of the consumer society. A good advertisement can not only form contemporary popular slang words, but it can also settle in people's minds until it becomes a common memory. Although consumers will not take the initiative to watch advertisements, advertisements are still indispensable to modern life. Therefore, this study hopes to discover the best medium between advertisements and consumers. This study will discuss how advertising should be rejuvenated to win the favor of consumers from the perspective of their sensitivity toward traditional advertisements and interactive advertisements. According to the analysis on the questionnaire responses, it is found that consumer sensitivity toward traditional outdoor billboards is the lowest, and sensitivity toward television advertisements that have the advantage of being audiovisual is not high. These show that consumers have less sensitivity toward typical means of advertising. Interactive mobile advertisements seem to be convenient with certain incentives (joining a lucky draw to win a car), but perhaps the complicated steps to participate in the lucky draw and the low chances of winning have also caused consumer sensitivity toward this type of advertisement to be not ideal too. Advertisements with high degrees of sensitivity include interactive forms of traditional print, outdoor, and audiovisual advertisements, which indicates that advertisements with interactive factors added are indeed more attractive and has topicality for consumers.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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