


The Relationship of Cognitive Coaching Attitude and the Five States of Mind for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers in Taipei, Taiwan




張德銳(Der-Ray Chang);李俊達(Chun-Dar Lee);王淑珍(Shu-Chen Wang)


中小學教師 ; 認知教練 ; 五大心智能力 ; elementary and secondary school teacher ; cognitive coaching ; five states of mind




26期(2011 / 03 / 30)


147 - 171






The purposes of this study are as below: first, to review the current situation of cognitive coaching attitude and five states of mind for the mentor teachers and their proteges in Taipei, and second, to examine the relationship between these two variables.The research was conducted in the context of a questionnaire survey with 521 participants in 40 schools participating in a mentor teacher program. Results were measured by the teachers' Cognitive Coaching Scale and Five States of Mind Scale respectively. Results were analyzed by using the statistic of mean, standard deviation, product-moment correlation, and multiple regression.The main findings of this study were as follows: (1)The perception of cognitive coaching attitude and five states of mind for teachers were moderately high. (2)There was significant relationship between cognitive teaching attitude and the states of efficacy, flexibility, craftsmanship, interdependence, and holonomy. (3)Reflection conversation of cognitive coaching was the main prediction variable of five states of mind.According to the research findings, this authors proposes several suggestions for educational administration agencies, elementary and secondary schools, and for further studies respectively.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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