


The Effect of Social Support on the Junior High School Teacher's Burnout: Role Stress and Self-Efficacy as a Mediator




吳煥烘(Huan-Hung Wu);林志丞(Chih-Cheng Lin)


社會支持 ; 角色壓力 ; 自我效能 ; 工作倦怠 ; social support ; role stress ; self-efficacy ; burnout




26期(2011 / 03 / 30)


25 - 56




本研究旨在建立社會支持、角色壓力、自我效能與工作倦怠SREB (Social support, Role stress, Self-efficacy, Burnout)理論模式,以驗證國中教師之社會支持、角色壓力、自我效能與工作倦怠之間的直接與間接關係。SREB模式在參數估計樣本與效度檢驗樣本上皆獲得合適的適配度,研究對象為臺灣地區之公立國中合格教師,採分層隨機抽樣,有效樣本數為700份,研究工具包含社會支持、角色壓力、自我效能與工作倦怠等四份量表,所得資料主要以SPSS12.0與AMOS 7.0兩個統計軟體進行分析,主要研究發現如下:一、角色壓力與自我效能對工作倦怠有顯著的直接影響力。當國中教師知覺角色壓力愈小時、自我效能愈大時,其知覺工作倦怠程度愈低。二、社會支持與角色壓力對自我效能有顯著的直接影響力。當國中教師知覺社會支持愈高時、角色壓力愈小時,其自我效能愈高。三、角色壓力和自我效能在社會支持與工作倦怠之間有顯著間接影響力,即社會支持程度愈高,角色壓力程度愈小,自我效能程度愈高,工作倦怠的程度愈小。四、社會支持對工作倦怠的直接影響力並不顯著,僅具有顯著的間接影響力。


The purpose of this study was to propose the SREB (Social support, Role stress, Self-efficacy, Burnout) model to confirm the direct and indirect relationship between the teacher's social support, role stress, self-efficacy and job burnout. The investigation method was adopted in this study. The 700 valid samples were collected from the junior high school teachers in Taiwan, using stratified random sampling method. Questionnaires used in the study included four scales of social support, role stress, self-efficacy and burnout. The collected data was analyzed by using SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 7.0. The major findings were as follows:1. Role stress and self-efficacy showed significant direct effects on burnout. Teachers with low role stress and high self-efficacy felt less burnout.2. Social support and role stress showed significant direct effects on self-efficacy. Teachers with high social support and low role stress felt high self-efficacy.3. Role stress and self-efficacy had a significant indirect effect on both social support and burnout. Social support can reduce the negative effects of burnout from role stress and self-efficacy.4. There was full mediation between social support and burnout.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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