


The Development of a Measurement Scale for Parents' Perceived Pressures from Children's Entrance Examinations




陳婉真(Wan-Chen Chen);鐘珮純(Pei-Chun Chung);蔡麗珍(Li-Chen Tsai);梅淑鶯(Su-Ying May)


父母 ; 考試焦慮 ; 升學壓力 ; parents ; pressures from entrance examinations ; test anxiety




29期(2012 / 09 / 30)


27 - 48






The main goal of this study is to deeply explore parents' perceived pressures from their children's entrance examinations, to develop a new scale, and to initially analyze the relationship between parents' perceived pressures and parental test anxiety. In this study, the authors tried to understand parents' viewpoints about their children's learning environment, including related pressures from on-campus and off-campus learning, and further developed the Scale for the Parents' Perceived Pressures according to sixteen in-depth interviews with the parents. After revision from pretest, 495 parents (354 mothers and 143 fathers) were used to test the reliability and validity of this developed scale. The findings suggested that the Scale for Parents' Perceived Pressures demonstrated the good reliability estimate and the stable factor construct. Moreover, the Perceived Pressures Scale was significantly related to parental test anxiety.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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