


A Study on Relationship of Narrative Comprehension and Family Reading Environments of Young Children


林家蕙(Chia-Hui Lin);簡美宜(Mei-I Chien)


幼兒 ; 敘述理解 ; 家庭閱讀環境 ; young children ; narrative comprehension ; family reading environment




32期(2014 / 03 / 30)


33 - 66






This study aims to investigate the relationship of young children's narrative comprehension and their family reading environments. The subjects were five-year-old children in Chiayi City and Yunlin County. A narrative comprehension assessment was implemented individually and a survey questionnaire of family reading environments was collected. This study obtained 280 valid samples and adopted MANOVA, t-test, and multiple regression analysis to conducted statistical analysis. The major findings were provided as follows. 1. The overall performance of narrative comprehension was good. Among all of the tests, the scores of Implicit Questions of Promoting Comprehension Questions were the lowest. 2. Among all of the background variables, only girls were better than boys on the Picture Walk. 3. Some variables of family reading environments significantly affected young children's performance of comprehension. 4. Some variables of family reading environments could predict the performance of narrative comprehension.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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