


Public History and Educational Aesthetics : The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey


洪浩堯(Hao-Yao Hung)


大眾史學 ; 教育美學 ; 歷史教育 ; 推理小說 ; public history ; educational aesthetics ; historical education ; detective fiction




36期(2016 / 06 / 30)


101 - 121




「真相」,一直是歷史研究所追求的終極目標;歷史教育,則將所發現的「真相」傳遞給人們。然而隨著傳播媒體的盛行,歷史的真偽幾致無人關心,那麼,我們需要何種歷史教育?大眾史學的盛行可以幫助我們理解這個問題。大眾史學被定義為大眾的歷史(history of the publics);寫給大眾閱聽的歷史(history for the publics);由大眾書寫的歷史(history by the publics)。當我們將所有的敘事皆視為大眾史學的文本,我們需藉由教育美學的觀點審視何者為好的文本?以接近我們需要何種歷史教育的答案。因此本文擬借由史上最佳歷史推理小說《時間的女兒》為例,說明一份好的大眾本,需要何種審美判斷。因此本文共分為三個部份。首先本文將說明推理小說作為文學的獨特文類,其審美判斷的產生不來自於「優美」的文學性,而來自於理性追求「真相」的「解謎」,正也是推理小說易與歷史研究相契合的美學基礎。次則將分析《時間的女兒》作為一部歷史推理小說,其文本具有何種美學意涵。最後則指出本書具有歷史教育美學的關鍵元素,以理解為何它是一部好的大眾史學文本。因此本文將指出,歷史教育亟需要具美感的大眾史學文本。儘管在大眾史學的架構之下,歷史教育亦無法迴避呈現真相的問題,而且歷史教育所傳遞的內容永遠都具有可變異性。


Truth, is always the final goal of history studies and historical educators delivered this "Truth" to people. Nowadays, we receive information via medias everywhere so that nobody really care whether it is true about history. So, what kind of historical education do we really need? We try to attempt this question through the opinions from Public History. Public History is defined as history of the publics; history for the publics; history by the publics. When we take all narratives as public historical texts, what we should do is to judge what is "good public historical text"? This article tries to answer this question by the novel "The Daughter of Time" by Josephine Tey. First, this article would indicate that the aesthetic judgement of detective fiction is not from "beauty" but from the pursuing of truth. Next, as a great history mystery fiction, this article tries to analyze what educational aesthetics opinions could we get from "The Daughter of Time". Finally, we try to understand why we need a good public historical text? We will see that the "Truth" is always an unavoidable question to historical education of which the contents are always variable.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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