
從Charles Taylor「反結構」概念探討現代社會價值教育的重構


Exploring the reconstruction of value education in modern society: Through the "Anti-construction" concept of Charles Taylor


郭佳靈(Chia-Ling Kuo)


價值教育 ; 工具化理性 ; 主流價值 ; 反結構 ; 重構




37期(2016 / 12 / 31)


129 - 147




現代社會對所謂成就的主流意識,不外以追求較高的權力、社經地位、豐厚財帛為評價標準。即使在強調平等的民主社會中,工具化理性思維框架了人的外在行為表現、目標達成程度,也不知覺的被分類、分級、或被不公平對待。處在這種功利被無限上綱的年代,教育機關莫不以競爭力或就業需求為取向,以確立學生具備成功的可能要件,於是,學生和老師必須以涉入主流價值來維持生活的安全感。但是這種過度追求,必然使個體固執在工具化的理性思維中,亦將使教育場境中的師生逐漸失去生命的活力與意義;個體在社會架構中亦無法找到價值的共鳴,而變得茫然、虛無、疏離,而逐漸失去自我及生命動力。本文將由Charles Taylor「反結構」的思想出發,深入探究現代社會主流價值觀與教育相互影響所衍生的價值問題,並以Charles Taylor「反結構」思想中「具魅世界反轉儀式」和「去魅世界理性主義」的概念,作為生活在既有社會結構中自我省思的警示,梳理出理性主義導向的教育模式對個體的深遠影響。作者同時以大學生畢業後對前途的困徬為討論基點,涉入現代科技文明及工具化理性思維瀰漫的價值意識;分析其成因和蘊寓的內涵,並以批判的角度針貶現代價值教育養成的偏?。本文並提出價值教育應跳脫工具化理性思維,建議教育者應重新探索理性思維外的「人本」線索,以平衡「人」在世存有的完整性,為價值教育的實踐帶出新活力與更具意義的可能性。


The evaluation standards of achievements in the mainstreaming modern society consist of higher power and social economic class, and wealth. Even in the democratic society emphasizing equality, individuals’ behaviors and goals are framed by instrumentalized reasoning, and are categorized,ranked, or treated unfairly. Education institutions, thus, have to emphasize their competitive capabilities or job needs in order to ensure their students to be successful. Therefore, students and teachers have to adopt mainstreaming values to maintain the sense of security. However, it makes the individual to be restricted in the instrumentalized reasoning. It lessens students’and teachers’ energy and meaning of life, making them feel empty, lost, alienated, and without strength. The article sets off from Charles Taylor’s concept of "Anti-construction"and explore the issues of the values generated from education and mainstreaming modern society. The concepts of "Re-Enchanting the World "and" Disenchantment of the World Rationalism" of Charles Taylor is used to alert the living in the social construction, and to propose the profound effects of education led by rationalism to the individuals. Moreover, based on the confusion towards careers of college graduates, values of modern technology civilization and instrumentalized reasoning are discussed, their causes and contents are analyzed, and the cultivation of value education are criticized. The article proposes that value education must go beyond instrumentalized reasoning and pursue humanism to balance the existence of humans, and make the value education more meaningful.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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