


From Sex Organs to Gender Education A Narrative Study on the Development of Feminist Pedagogy


張淑媚(Shu-Mei Chang)


陰道獨白 ; 女性主義教育學 ; 性別教育 ; The Vagina Monologues ; Feminist Pedagogy ; Gender Education




38期(2017 / 06 / 30)


1 - 33




本文目的在於從女性主義教育學的論述出發,描述實施三年的性別課程對我產生的影響。從2013 年8 月開始,我接受一位女研究生的邀約共同設計與發展以陰道/陰莖建構的性別課程,希望能去除陰道的污名化、讓學生跳脫父權社會的性論述文本,正面地看待自己的身體、慾望與性愛,並解構父權意識型態下的異性戀霸權。我採用敘事探究的方法,以一個大學女教師的『我』的位置,重新敘說這三年的實施歷程,透過我的追溯,賦予這個課程我的意義,課程至今對我的影響。這門課程到目前為止對我的影響是:一、教師角色上從知識權威者到共同探索者;二、對父權社會裡的男性從汙名化到理解的尊重;三、透過性別課程從害羞變勇敢的生命能動性;四、透過性別課程拼回完整的女人圖像;五、對多元的性愛經驗從標籤式的評價進入脈絡性的理解。


In light of feminist pedagogy, the paper looks at how my class on gender education as it was taught in three consecutive years has impacted me personally and professionally. In August, 2013, I was invited by a female graduate student to co-design and co-develop a gender curriculum on the basis of vagina and penis construction with the intention to address the problem of tigmatization, to help students think outside of the box about sexual discourse in patriarchal society, to encourage students to positively treat their body, desire and lust, and to deconstruct the heterosexuality hegemony under the patriarchal ideology. Adopting the narrative study, I myself, a female college teacher, restate the three-year course of implementation, and, through my retracing, endow this curriculum with significance. The influences on me are as follows: first, from knowledge authority to co-explorer as a teacher; secondly, from stigmatization to understanding and respecting the male in the patriarchal society; thirdly, from timidity to embracing life and agency through gender education; fourthly, to reset the female image through the curriculum, and fifthly, from tabled reviews to contextual comprehension of diverse sexual experience.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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