


The Study of the Minors and Their Parents' Filial Duties in Practice in Southern Taiwan


吳瓊洳(Chiung-Ju Wu);蔡明昌(Ming-Chang Tsai)


未成年子女 ; 成年子女 ; 父母 ; 子職實踐 ; Adult children ; Minor children ; Parents ; Filial duties




43期(2019 / 12 / 31)


1 - 31






The main purpose of this study is to understand the the minors and their parents' filial duties in practice in southern Taiwan including Chiayi City, Chiayi County, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, and Pingtung County. The method of questionnaire survey is adopted in order to reach the above mentioned purpose. The subjects of questionnaire survey include 227 freshmen and 685 parents with their children studying in senior high school. Several conclusions of the study are listed in the following paragraph: 1. Minors and their parents perform well in filial duties. 2. The factors of gender and age are the key points of their minor children' filial duties in practice. 3. The effecting factors of educational levels, incomes, and occupations are the key points of their parents' filial duties in practice. 4 There is a positive correlation between the filial duty of minors and the filial duty of their parents. 5 There is a positive correlation between the filial duty of minors and the educational styles of their parents. According to the above conclusions, the study provides some suggestions for the government, schools, families, and family education centers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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