


Research on Empirical Analysis of the Conceptual Model for Collaborative Instructional Leaderships


劉鎮寧(Jen-Ning Liou)


教學領導 ; 協作教學領導 ; 概念模型 ; 結構方程模式 ; instructional leaderships ; collaborative instructional leaderships ; conceptual model ; structural equation model




44期(2020 / 06 / 30)


1 - 35






This research was to build and verify the conceptual model for collaborative instructional leaderships. It mainly adopted the questionnaire method and structure equation model for analysis. A total of 802 effective questionnaires were collected, with 74.26% of effective response rate. This study reached five conclusions: (1)the integration and application of the resources from inside and outside of school had positive effect on the collaborative instructional leaderships and promotion of teachers' professional development. (2)increase or mobilization of teacher leaders had positive effect on the collaborative instructional leaderships. (3)collaborative instructional leaderships had positive effect on promoting teachers' professional development and improve the current situation of schools and teaches. (4) promotion of the teachers' professional development had an intermediary effect on the collaborative instructional leaderships and improvement of the current situation of schools and teaches. (5) promotion of the teachers' professional development and improvement of the current situation of schools and teaches also had an intermediary effect on the collaborative instructional leaderships and improve students' learning effectiveness. At last, some suggestions were respectively proposed for the practical application of collaborative instruction leaderships and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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