


Identifying Quality Standard of ISO 9001: 2008 to Develop the Quality Strategy of Taiwan Plastic Products Industries


王正華(Cheng-Hua Wang);蔡雯雅(Wen-Ya Tsai)


塑膠製品 ; 品質機能展開(QFD) ; 層級分析法(AHP) ; 重要性表現分析法(IPA) ; 品質策略 ; Plastic Product ; Quality Function Deployment (QFD) ; Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) ; Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) ; Quality Strategy




17卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


1 - 17




塑膠工業是台灣經濟發展不可或缺的重要產業。本研究透過品質機能展開(QFD)轉換客戶需求成為企業內部品質標準,再運用層級分析法(AHP)建構ISO 9001:2008 品質管理系統的指標性項目,共計33項準則,並以此等準則指標為基礎,進行重要性表現分析法(IPA)分類,探討台灣塑膠製品產業的品質改善策略。研究發現,塑膠製品產業在IPA的象限一顯示,成本控管、3R(減少污染、重新使用、回收)、價錢和模具技術等品質項目,與AHP 呈現一致性的滿意程度,因此塑膠製品產業應該採用彈性生產策略繼續強化此等品質項目,以維持企業競爭優勢;此外,在IPA 的象限二,研究結果對於風險控管、企業之社會責任與交貨期限呈現高重要性,但低的表現程度,因此本研究採用顧客導向的存貨生產策略,來提高重要性;同時,IPA的象限三和象限四中,毛邊、污髒、瑕疵、刮痕、耐寒、顧客商標及耐衝擊等品質項目,曝露出產品的缺點,因此本研究採用持續改善的零缺點策略,以改善企業競爭優勢。最後,本研究調查不僅提供具體的改善分析,也從實務觀點提出品質策略,進而提供台灣塑膠製品產業品質策略改善方略。


Plastics industry has been an important manufacturing Industry, and one of growing economic industry in Taiwan. This study will transfer customers' needs to inside of company quality stander through QFD, then buildup 9001: 2008 quality management system indicator items through AHP. These are total thirty three stander items; base on the indicators to analysis IPA. After empirical result, there are stander items, cost control, 3R (Reduce pollution, Re-use, Recycle), price and model technology in plastic industry. Also, maintain competitive advantage with customer satisfaction; moreover, company reinforces improving in rice management, corporate social responsibility and quality service of delivery deadline. Finally, this study is not only provide specific analyses advantage and improve disadvantage but also correct marketing and operations; summarizes quality strategy from practical point of view.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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