


An Instrument Establishment of Non-Supportive Social Responses for College Students


藍菊梅(Chu-Mei Lan)


非社會支持反應 ; 大學生 ; Non-Supportive Social Responses ; College Students




17卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


43 - 56




本研究目的為編製非支持性社會反應量表。研究對象為南區十一所大學院校之大學生,於九十六年五月至九十七年三月間,進行團體施測,預試及正式研究之問卷數為120及1650份,有效問卷為94份及1540份。研究工具包括自擬之「非社會支持量表」、及修訂之「社會支持量表」。研究資料使用SPSS 18.0及AMOS 5.0軟體,分別進行項目分析、積差相關分析驗證性因素分析。研究結果顯示:非社會支持反應量表分為三個向度:保持距離、責備、無效的,共20題,Cronbach α值為.860,KMO值為.913,具有不錯的效標關連效度。驗證性因素分析結果顯示:基本適配度與內在模式適合度部分較不佳,而模式之外在品質尚可,研究者並對量表修訂及運用提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to establish an instrument of non-supportive social responses. The subjects were selected from 11 colleges of South Taiwan, assessed by group measurements in which, 120 and 1650 questionnaire were distributed from May 2007 to March 2008; 94 and 1,540 valid questionnaire were collected respectively. The instruments used were structural questionnaires including non-supportive social responses made by researchers, and social support questionnaire. The data was analyzed by SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 5.0, through item analysis, product-moment correlation, and confirmatory factor analysis. The results obtained are as follows: There are three dimensions and 20 items of non-supportive social responses including keeping distance, blaming, and invalid responses. The Cronbach α value of internal consistency reliability and KMO were .860 and .913. Criterion- related validity of non-supportive social responses was good. The structural equation modeling of distress disclosure has not sufficient goodness-of-fit. Based on the above findings, the revising and suggestions for instrument of non-supportive social responses are offered by researchers.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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