


A Comparative Study of Japanese Business Management Theories-Mainly of Professor Kuniyoshi Urabe, Professor Hazama Hiroshi and Professor Masumi Tsuda




曾興發(Shin-Fa Tseng)


日本式企業經營 ; 全人之人性尊重主義的經營 ; 經營家族主義 ; 生活共同 ; 集團主義 ; Japanese Business Management ; Management Should Respect All Human Being ; Principle of Management Familism ; Life Community ; Groupism




10期(2007 / 10 / 01)


129 - 146




本論文就研究日本式企業經營之日本代表學者-神戸大學之占部都美教授、早稲田大學之間宏教授、一橋大學之津田真澂教授等三位教授之論述、理論,集中焦點於日本式企業經營之基本編成原理,探討日本式企業經營之基本編成原理為何?並就三位教授之論述、理論進行比較研究。 占部教授主張以「全人之人性尊重主義的經營」之概念為日本式企業經營之基本原理,亦說明、主張所有之經營制度皆為歷史性的產物,日本式企業經營亦不例外,同時具有歷史的連續性及歷史的非連續性存在。 探求日本式企業經營之源流在於家業之間宏教授主張,戰前之日本式氣企業經營為「經營家族主義」、戰後則為由「經營家族主義」所重新編成之「經營福祉主義」。 津田教授則提出其研究日本式企業經營論之最重要之概念為「共同生活體」,同時強調說明日本式企業經營為戰後之產物。 本論文提出有關研究日本式企業經營論之三位教授之論述、不管是雇用共同體、經營家族主義、共同生活體、其特徴乃為集團主義亦或是集團志向性,此點見解是互為一致的。總結三位教授探求日本式企業經營論之本質為「集團主義」或是「集團思考性」是極為明確的。換言之,雇用共同體、經營家族主義、共同生活體等教授之論說之根底為「集團主義」或是「集團思考性」。


This article introduces three Japanese scholars Kuniyoshi Urabe professor of Kobe University, Hiroshi Hazama professor of Waseda University, Masumi Tsuda professor of Hitotsubashi University, and each with a different perspective. I have clarified these basic management philosophy and principles, compared the principles of Japanese business management. Professor Urabe asserts that ”management should respect all human being” and this idea forms the core theme Japanese business management, and every management system is still a product of its history, and it is imperative that Japanese business management respects it's history and a continuity without any departure. Prewar management was ”management familism,” and professor Hazama's discovered that the source of Japanese business management thinking comes from the reorganized ”principle of management familism, ”and managing employee welfare” after the war. The most important concept of Japanese business management theory of Professor Tsuda is that of ”a community” which emphasizes that Japanese business management is a postwar product. These three professors' theories which were all concerned with Japanese business management highlighted and clarified the importance of the group orientation and that the essence of the Japanese management theory relates to ”Groupism” or ”Groupthinking” though all of these theories were similar. ”Groupism” or ”Groupthinking” lies at the undercurrent for all the theories of these professors who strongly advocated the community, the management family principle, and the symbiosis of the employment relationship.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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