


Observing Gender Differences of Japanese Native Speakers' "end-of-sentence Expressions" from the Viewpoint of Politeness-Through a "Free Dialogue" Scene Analysis by CSJ (Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese




吳秦芳(Chin-Fang Wu)


禮貌 ; 文末表現 ; CSJ ; FTA ; 面子 ; politeness ; end-of-sentence expression ; CSJ ; FTA ; Face




11期(2008 / 10 / 01)


19 - 43




本研究以現代日語大規模的自發音聲談話資料庫,就是國立國語研究所的「談話資料庫(英文名稱是Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese嘖,簡稱爲CSJ)的「自由對談」來作分析,從資料當中所呈現的文末形式和機能去探討因爲性別所造成的影響。分析的重點在從文末表現的使用情況看對人關係修辭的禮貌性(politeness),探討溝通中的談話策略,以及使用中所潛藏的談話心裡。 調查結果顯示:(1)在「平敘•斷定」形式當中,男性使用「普通體」比較多,而女性對於「普通體」和「禮貌型」的比率則沒有太大的變化。(2)「平敘•附加終止型」形式:男性和女性一樣經常使用「yo」和「ne」,關於「yone」,男性使用的比較多。(3)接續助詞的「文末渾濁」項目上,不分男女,使用最多的形式是「kedo」,男性比女性使用的多。(4)關於「疑問形式」,男性多使用「間接疑問形式」,相對的女性則傾向多使用「直接疑問形式」。(5)探討禮貌方式的文末機能,明瞭禮貌對策中文末表現的機能,及與性別的關連性。


For this study I used a ”spoken language corpus” published by the National Institute for Japanese Language called the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (abbreviated as CSJ). It is a modern Japanese large-scale spontaneous sound database. Using the ”free discussion” portion of the CSJ, I gave attention to the type and function of end-of-sentence expressions that appear, considering them from the aspect of gender. and investigate politeness as used in the rhetoric of personal relationships in actual situations. I also wanted to use this as a means to examine the communication strategy and think about the state of mind of the speaker that lies hidden in the use of these expressions. As a result of the analysis of the CSJ data, the following became clear. (1) Concerning the ”declarative/definitive form”, men usually use the common form of the expression whereas women show an equal tendency toward both the common and polite expressions. (2) ”Addition besides the regular and the predicative” form: Men use ”yo” and ”ne” as much as women. However, ”yone” is used more often by men. (3) In the ”interruption form”, the most used expression regardless of gender is ”kedo”, with slightly more men using the term than women. Women have a higher tendency to use ”te”. (4) Concerning the ”question form”, men tend to use an ”indirect question form”, while a tendency to use the ”direct question form” is seen in women. (5) Furthermore. I clarified the function of politeness strategy in end-of-sentence expressions and examined the relationship with gender.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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