Masugi Shizue (1900-1955) is a Japaense female writer, but only her private life was being watched with interest, and few critics took notice of her works. In Japan, publishing reprinted editions of prewar books is very popular these days, promoted the studies of Masugi Shizue's literature works, we still have a few more problems to consider. In earlier studies about Masugi was mainly launched from point of Taiwanese literature context. But I think that we have to consider with her literary characteristic-her forte is writing personal story -for getting more productive research. From this point of view, this paper mainly focus on the two short novels ”The Valley of Riyon Hayon” (Riyon Hayon no Tani) and ”Message” (Kotozuke), both of them are using the story ”Sayon's Bell” (Sayon no Kane) as a motif. Through close reading, I try to argue about the image of Taiwan in these texts, thought of Masugi Shizue for the war and the variation of the motif ”Sayon's Bell”. And I also try to give these texts a definition in her literary works.