本論文探討位於台灣北部綜合大學應用日語系開設以上演為目的之日本語戲劇課授課實踐法。首先,在第一年的授課後,從自我評價列舉教師察覺之問題點。同時將學習者的問卷調查作為客觀評價之資料,將焦點放在學習者負面意識以及差評進行分析,以凸顯授課問題點。從教師,學習者雙方評鑑得知之課題為主,在此報告經過實踐過程後,加以改良後之第五年的課程規劃。另外比較第一年以及第五年的問卷結果,考察改良後的授課活動之有效性。|This paper is about the Japanese drama, which is given by a comprehensive University in north of Taiwan. At first, I list up all the issues, which occurred to me after the first year of the class. Mean while , I also take the learner's reviews as an objective data and analyze the negative image in order to highlighting the main problems. By knowing the main issues of both sides and improving them during the following years until the fifth year, the dissertation aims to focus on the curriculum mapping in the fifth year. In addition, I compare the questionnaire of the first year to the fifth year and inspect the effectiveness of the improved curriculum.