本稿目的為,使用筆者負責之「日本戲劇(一)(二)」課程,以上演為目的並為日本語教育一環的戲劇活動來考察學習實情。首先為了掌握台灣的戲劇活動現況,在此報告從45個日本語關係學系為對象進行的調查結果。此外,為了可視化戲劇活動的學習實情,將對學習者實施的記述式問卷整理成數據,以質的研究手法來進行分析。以結果來說,整理出了九種類型,學習者可得到在平常的課程中無法習得的豐富知識,在此核心的為,團體合作重要性的領悟,溝通能力的提升等,此為需要共同合作環境的戲劇活動中才能夠習得的。以公演成功為共同目的整個班級一同合作的過程中,和他人產生了深厚連結,引起多樣效果。最後,為了包括性的掌握學習實情,將各個類型的關聯做成關係圖,嘗試將其理論化。|This article aims to evaluate the Japanese learning environment via Japanese drama class which the author was responsible for. At first, in order to understand the present situation of drama activity in Taiwan, up to 45 Japanese language courses in Taiwan had been investigated. Besides, for knowing more distinctive learning environment and its influences, Qualitative research has been done on questionnaire which is done by learners. The result is, 9 different groups were brought up. The primary category is learners are being able to acquire a lot of knowledge which they could not gain from the daily lesson such as the importance of teamwork, the progression of the communication ability and cultivating the deeper relationship with others. These could be acquired only when collaborating with others. In the end, the relationship chart was made for presenting the relationship between the 9 groups.