本文以淡江大學日本文化研究社為例,探討大學裡獨有的課程制度與社團經營之間的關係及其影響。文中介紹淡江大學的社團學分化課程-「社團學習與實作課程」,並且同時彙整出以茶道文化教育為目標的日本文化研究社對於該課程所採取的對策與實施後的成效。由「入門課程」、「活動參與」和「活動執行」等三部分組成的本課程,是該大學所有學生的必修科目之一。在修習本課程的過程中,目標不單只是社團運作經營的理論和技巧,更能幫助學生可以相互接受不同的意見,建立良好的個人關係,並習得團隊合作與互助,以及臨機應變和解決問題的能力。配合該課程後帶給日本文化研究社的影響包括「成員構成的變化」、「主辦活動的增加」和「社團幹部的職責變化」等。而實施後的優點可列舉如「活動內容變豐富」、「自主練習次數的增加」和「外部給予好評」等。|This paper takes the Japanese Culture Research Club (JCRC) at Tamkang University (TKU) as an example, to explore the relevance between the unique curriculum system and the management of the university, and the influence that the curriculum system has brought. This paper introduces "TKU Learning and Practice of Clubs" course, by focusing on the steps that JCRC take and the effects on JCRC. This course consists of three parts: "Introduction Course"(入門課程), "Activity Participation" (活動參與)and "Activity Execution"(活動執行).It is one of the compulsory subjects for all students at TKU. This course not only teaches the theory and the skills of how to manage a club, but also helps students to accept different opinions, establish good inter-personal relationships, acquire teamwork and cooperation, and obtain the ability to adapt to the changing circumstances. The influence brought to JCRC are "changes in the composition of membership ","the increasing number of hosting activities ", and "changes in the responsibilities of officials". The advantages of practicing the course include "having plentiful activities", "increasing voluntary practices", and "receiving positive feedbacks".