依據筆者的管見,目前似乎尚未有論述台灣日語學習者複合動詞使用現狀之先行文獻。使用台灣日語學習者的作文用例,考察日語學習者複合動詞之使用現狀,其研究成果可運用在日語複合動詞之教學現場。本論文之研究目的為使用日語學習者的作文語料,透過複合動詞之出現用例數、詞組結構、誤用分析,考察台灣日語學習者複合動詞之使用現狀,並提出對中高級日語教育之建言。調查結果得知:“-dasu, -au, -kakeru, -komu, -tukeru, -ageru"是高頻度使用的後項動詞,台灣日語學習者較常使用VV型(動詞+動詞)的及物複合動詞。台灣日語學習者的誤用例占半數多,其中大多為複合動詞活用形、時態和助詞等之誤用。|There does not appear to be any prior literature on the use of compound verbs among Japanese learners in Taiwan. The purpose of this paper is to use the composition data of Japanese learners to examine the usage of compound verbs among Japanese learners in Taiwan by analyzing the number of compound verbs, phrase structure and error analysis. The results of this paper can be applied to the teaching of compound verbs in Japanese language education. The survey results show that "-dasu, -au, -kakeru, -komu, -tukeru, -ageru" are the most frequently used post-verbs, and the VV-type (verb + verb) transitive compound verb are more frequently used by Taiwanese Japanese learners. The majority of error cases among Taiwanese Japanese learners are compound verbs, tenses, and auxiliaries.