


The Sociocultural and Psychodynamic Processes Involved in Rape Behavior: Ⅱ. Empirical Testing




黃軍義(Jiun-Yih Huang)


自我防禦傾向 ; 問卷調查法 ; 投射式問卷調查法 ; 強姦行爲 ; empirical testing ; questionnaire-survey ; projective questionnaire-survey method ; self-defense tendency




13期(2000 / 06 / 01)


53 - 124






Two empirical studies were conducted to test the four-perspective theoretical framework of the formative factors and processes of Chinese rape behavior, as developed in the preceding paper. The first study used the questionnaire-survey method, and the second adopted the projective questionnaire-survey method, and the second adopted the projective questionnaire-survey method. Results of the first study generally supported the the theoretical framework both directly and indirectly. Many subjects showed a strong self-defense tendency in their responses. Subjects were therefore first divided into low and high self-defense tendency groups, and then reanalyzed the data for the two groups. Results indicated that the found relationships between factors stated in the theory were not due to subjects' self-defense tendency. As in the first study, results of the second study also generally supported the theoretical framework both directly and indirectly. In this case, however, the subjects' self-defense tendency was much decreased. The probable reasons for this decrease were that the use of the projective questionnaires lowered the subjects' self-defense, and that the mixture of rapists and non-rapists in the testing condition lowered the situational pressure for the rapists. Directions for future study are finally suggested, including investigation of relevant problems in the family, rapists' experiences with women, social expectations for men, interaction of cognition, affect and sexual arousal, and adoption of experimental methods.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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