This study explores the problems of marital violence in urban aboriginal communities relying on data collected from in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and personal observations. Female victims' reactions to violence and evaluation of the viability of casework and of the effectiveness of a consciousness-raising group based on feminist self-empowerment guidelines are also provided, and a community service model regarding aboriginal marital violence problems is proposed. Aboriginal marital violence (frequency of occurrence and type of violence) and its surrounding myths in the subject community were found to be much the same as in the Han society. However, the community's specific social interactions and its encounter with prejudice as a minority in the mainstream society profoundly shape the nature of a victim's reaction to violence and the help-seeking process and needs. In a tightly-knit community, marital violence is a no-tell, can't-tell, keep-to-oneself problem. Because of experiences with deep-rooted racial discrimination, aboriginal communities are concerned that marital violence could become another negative label-like alcoholism, child prostitution, and unemployment for the mainstream society to attach to aborigines. Under such pressure, victims of violence fear that to seek help from institutions would bring shame to the aboriginal community. Moreover, they are unwilling to ask for assistance from police or social welfare institutions both because they are not accustomed to the formalities of institutional process, and because they are discouraged by the indifference of police and social workers who use their preconceptions to explain away aboriginal marital violence problems. We suggest that when handling marital violence problems in urban communities or tribal settlements, social workers should follow a communal model, the key to which is first to understand thoroughly the aboriginal socio-cultural system and the community-specific cultural features, and then to create a fitting model for intervention. Feminist empowerment consultations and consciousness-raising groups are in principle suitable for aboriginal women, but in practice must be modified to relate to the character of the particular aboriginal community.
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