


Contents and Functions of Sibling and Friend Relationships in a Chimpanzee Tribe and a Chinese Society




李美枝(Mei-Chih Li)


互饋 ; 手足關係 ; 孝 ; 朋友關係 ; 親子生殖成就衝突 ; 親屬選擇 ; friendship ; inclusive fitness ; kin selection ; reciprocity ; sibling rivalry




16期(2001 / 12 / 01)


135 - 182






A video record of daily life in a chimpanzee tribe was used to infer prototypes for sibling and friend relationships and identify a blueprint for cooperation and competition between siblings in the tribe. Relationships between friends are based on a reciprocal process. Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from human subjects revealed similar and basic properties of sibling and friend relationships, although in Chinese culture, sibling rivalry is prohibited. Human societies conceptualize, elaborate, and complicate these interpersonal relationships. For example, sibling relationships are described with terms like love and affection while terms such as exchanged benefit and exchanged affection and appreciation are used to describe friends.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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