


Differences between Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese on Chinese Basic Personality Dimensions: A Preliminary Study


許功餘(Kung-Yu Hsu);王登峰(Deng-Feng Wang);楊國樞(Kuo-Shu Yang)


大陸地區華人 ; 台灣地區華人 ; 本土向度 ; 華人性格 ; Chinese personality ; indigenous personality dimension ; mainland Chinese ; Taiwanese Chinese




16期(2001 / 12 / 01)


185 - 224




近年來,各國性格心理學家採取「基本語彙取向」(fundamental lexical approach)來探討不同語系中的性格向度。楊國樞循此研究策略發現七項華人基本性格向度如下:「精明幹練:愚鈍懦弱」、「勤儉恆毅:懶惰放縱」、「誠信仁慈,狡詐殘酷」、「溫順隨和:暴躁倔強」、「外向活躍:內向沉靜」、「豪邁直爽:計較多疑」、「淡泊知足:功利虛榮」。本研究以楊氏所得之七項華人基本性格向度為基礎,比較1,441位台灣與大陸兩地之男女社會人士與男女大學生在此七項華人性格向度上的強弱差異。結果發現,(l)就台灣與大陸地區的差異而言,台灣地區華人在「淡泊知足」上高於大陸地區華人;(2)就大學生與社會人士的差異而言,社會人士在「勤儉恆毅」上高於大學生。此外,本研究亦發現,在七項華人基本性格向度之高低順序上,不論是台灣與大陸地區、男女兩性、或者大學生與社會人士,皆有相似的順序:以「誠信仁慈」最高,而「外向活躍」與「豪邁直爽」最低。針對本研究所得結果之討論,則以兩地不同的社會歷史經驗的可能影響為主。


Yang (1999) recently identified seven indigenous dimensions of Chinese personality, including Competence-Impotence, Industriousness-Unindustriousness, Other-orientedness-Self-centeredness, Agreeableness-Disagreeableness, Extraversion-Introversion, Large-mindedness-Small-mindedness, and Contentedness-Vaingloriousness. This study explores the differences between Taiwanese and mainland Chinese on Yang's (1999) personality dimensions. Results indicated that the profile of Taiwanese Chinese on the seven dimensions was similar to the mainland Chinese profile with one exception: Taiwanese are more contented than mainland Chinese. An additional finding was that for both groups, adults were more industrious than undergraduate students. Results are discussed in light of the Chinese cultural traditions and the differences in economic and social conditions between the two areas.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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