


The Lifeworld of Chinese Women Living with Their Husbands Studying Abroad: Interpretation and Reflection




高淑清(Shu-Ching Kao)


互為主體的同意 ; 生活世界 ; 生活經驗 ; 主題分析 ; 詮釋現象學 ; hermeneutic phenomenology ; intersubjective agreement ; lifeworld ; lived experience ; thematic analysis




16期(2001 / 12 / 01)


225 - 285






This interpretive study uses hermeneutic phenomenological methodology to understand the experiences of seven Chinese women who lived with their husbands while the husbands studied abroad in the United States. Texts were collected from in-depth interviews and from interviewees' reflective writings. Thematic analysis confirmed by intersubjective agreement was conducted to analyze the texts. Six major themes emerged indicating that living in a foreign country entails (1) feeling distanced from familiar surroundings, (2) encountering unfamiliar concepts of time and space, (3) seeking a sense of being and belonging, (4) struggling with traditional gender roles, (5) working hard toward the family's common good, and (6) maintaining harmonious family relationships. Interpretations, reflections and pedagogical implications are presented with the conclusion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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