


Guanxi and Social Network in Chinese Organization


周麗芳(Li-Fang Chou)


guanxi ; social network




18期(2002 / 12 / 01)


175 - 227




社會網絡(social network)是六○年代,西方社會心理學家研究人際互動與人際交換之相當重要的一個觀點。由於網絡分析的概念與理論發展日益成熟,而且資料分析方法與技術日漸進步,二十年前Tichy強烈建議組織行爲(OB)研究應該採用網絡分析的觀點,進行個人行爲與態度的研究。相對於西方社會網絡的觀點,八○年代華人學者針對華人社會脈絡下相當重要的現象-「關係」(guanxi)進行探討。然而,有關華人組織內人際互動的研究,不是將華人「關係」的現象特殊化、而無視於社會網絡理論與概念的應用,就是將社會網絡概念照單全收地搬到華人組織中,而忽略了「關系」的特殊內涵。爲彌補上述缺口,本文先進行有關社會網絡與「關係」之相關概念與內涵的討論,並比較社會網絡與「關係」的異同,以釐清兩者的獨特性。因此,整理近十年來重要的組織行爲議題的影響:包括領導與權力、工作態度、離職與缺勤、績效、及工作滿意等議題,以瞭解社會網絡在這些議題上的應用,並帶出關係對組織行爲研究的可能切入點。最後,則指出關係在華人組織行爲中的理論建構與研究之方向。


Social networks have been a critical area of focus for Western social psychologists studying interpersonal interaction and exchange since the 1960s. Due to the gradual maturation of this area and remarkable progress in network analysis methods, some Western researchers have strongly suggested that Organization Behavior (OB) research should adopt network analysis in examining individuals’ behavior and attitudes. Similarly, in the 1980s Chinese researchers began focusing on guanxi (a person’s network of relationships) in the context of Chinese society with the expectation of developing a comprehensive understanding of interpersonal interaction within Chinese organizations. Unfortunately, these studies either focused tightly on the concept of guanxi while ignoring the application of social network theorv and concepts, or they simply imported the concepts of social network theory into Chinese organizations without specifying the unique contents of guanxi. To make up for this inadequacy, this paper starts with a discussion of concepts and connotations related to social networks and guanxi, and then makes a comparison to clarify their similarities ad unique points. This analysis is applied to significant OB issues, such as leadership and power, working attitudes, resignation and absence, performance, and job satisfaction, with the goal of applying social network theory to these issues and indicating possible starting points for study on the relationship between guanxi and OB. Finally, the role of guanxi in the context of Chinese society and possible directions for theory construction are proposed and discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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