This study examined early family experiences across two generations. Personal narratives of early family experiences were collected by Early Recollection based on Adlerian psychological theory. Suggested topics for recollection included the most memorable life experience and the most memorable image of one's father or mother. Eight informants were chosen for this study, 4 aged 22-24 and 4 aged 45-50, four men and four women. Qualitative methods were used to interpret the stories, which were compared on the basis of social context, gender factors, and developmental stages. Focus was maintained on the commonalities and differences in the themes of the early family experience narratives. Common aspects between the two generations of the most memorable experiences were as follows: parents' relationship, sensitivity to the feelings of parents, parent-child interaction, child's expectations, characteristics of the father, parenting style, gender and sibling competition, and frustrations. Differences included mother's hard work, and the value of food and rewards. Limitations of the small sample size, the selective nature of memory, and the subjectivity of the author are discussed.
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