


Defining the Self-other Relation: The Emergence of Composite Self




陸洛(Luo Lu)


人我關係 ; 自我內涵 ; 折衷自我 ; composite self ; self contents ; self-other relation




20期(2003 / 12 / 01)


139 - 207




傳統上,中國人的自我並非一個獨立的實體,而是寓居在人我關係之中;並非跨情境穩定的特質,而是隨關係性質變化呈現;並非行為的指針,而是「道德人」在行為考量中應盡力克服的「我執」。中國人當然不是自我與他人界線不清或疆域模糊,但「互依包容的自我」確是傳統中國文化所型塑的「自我」內涵的核心。 然則,西風東漸之後,面對現代化與社會變遷的挑戰,現代華人社會中的中國人已發展出一套相容並蓄中國傳統「互依包容的自我」及西方文化「獨立自足的自我」的「折衷自我」,而靈活彈性的「人我關係」的界定正是此「折衷自我」現身的前提。 本研究以焦點團體與個別訪談的質性研究方法,藉團體動力與深度訪談來刺探「自我」內涵與「人我關係」這樣抽象的概念,讓受訪者用豐富的生活體驗來詮釋「人我界限」如何劃定,並從中窺見「折衷自我」的現身,即現代華人兼顧「獨特性」與「互依性」需求的生活實踐。


The traditional Chinese self is not an independent entity; it dwells in the self-other relation. It is not considered to have traits that are constant across situations, but to manifest according to the nature of the relationship. It is not a guiding force for behavior. Instead, it is to be suppressed and overcome. For traditional Chinese people, the ”self-in-relation” is the core of selfhood. However, with Western influence and the challenges of modernization and social change, contemporary Chinese people have developed a system of ”composite self” that combines the traditional ”self-in-relation” and the Western ”independent and contained self”. The flexible operation of self-other relation is prerequisite to the emergence of this composite self. Analysis of 3 individual interviews and 5 focus group discussions with # Taiwanese participants was used to explore the meanings of abstract concepts such as ”self content” and ”self-other relations, and how the ”self-other boundary” is set in order to understand the emergence of the composite self as a way of expressing both the ”independence” and ”interdependence” needs of contemporary Taiwanese people. Results generally supported the theoretical construct of composite self.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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