


Explicit and Implicit Consciousness of Taiwanese Ethnic and National Identity




李美枝(Mei-Chih Li)


文化親親性 ; 生活場域親親性 ; 血綠親親性 ; 族群認同 ; 隱性認知 ; 顯性認知 ; cultural nepotism ; ethnic identity ; lineage nepotism ; implicit cognition ; Taiwanese




20期(2003 / 12 / 01)


39 - 71






Two studies were conducted. In the first study, 726 adults categorized themselves into 1 of 6 identities: Taiwanese, Chinese, Taiwanese but also Chinese, Chinese but also Taiwanese, New Taiwanese, General Chinese. All participants also evaluated Taiwan and China on the dimensions of same lineage-culture and feelings of closeness. Despite choosing different ethnic identities to define themselves, all participants had almost equally high positive evaluations of Taiwan. Their evaluations of China varied with their chosen ethnic identity. Identification as ”Chinese” reduced psychological distance from China, while incorporation of Taiwanese identity increased the distance. It was proposed that nepotism of life space underlies participants' attitudes toward Taiwan, whereas the attitude toward China is based on lineage nepotism and cultural nepotism. In the second study, when participants' implicit memory of the connection between all Chinese people and China was activated, their favorable attitudes toward China unconsciously increased no matter what their ethnic identity. Implications for reunification of Taiwan and China are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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