


Marital Power and Marital Affection: An Analysis for the Conflict Management Strategy


黃宗堅(Tsung-Chian Huang);葉光輝(Kuang-Hui Yeh);謝雨生(Yeu-Sheng Hsieh)


夫妻情感 ; 夫妻關係 ; 夫妻權力 ; 青少年 ; 家庭發展週期 ; 衝突因應策略 ; adolescence ; close relationship ; marital affection ; marital conflict ; marital power




21期(2004 / 06 / 01)


3 - 48




本研究根據「相對資源差異」與「文化規範」的觀點,探討夫妻權力、夫妻情感與衝突因應策略之間的關係;此外,並加入配偶的衝突因應策略,藉以瞭解先生或太太之衝突因應策略是否受到配偶衝突因應策略的影響。研究資料取自台北縣市12所公私立高中高職769名學生之父母問卷資料,共有362份夫妻配對完整樣本的資料。 主要研究發現:(l)夫妻相對權力對夫妻四種衝突因應策略的解釋效果並不如預期明顯,反而是夫妻情感對於衝突因應的解釋力顯著大於夫妻相對權力的影響;(2)不同概念的夫妻之情感不僅會直接影響各自的衝突因應策略,同時也會透過配偶之衝突因應策略,間接影響其本身對衝突因應策略之使用;(3)從雙向互動觀點來看,「以其人之道還治其人之身」的相對性運作法則,顯現於台灣的夫妻之間;亦即當夫妻一方使用某種衝突因應策略時,也會激起對方採用相同的衝突因應方式應對最後,本研究針對夫妻權力與夫妻情感的運作方式在本土文化上的意涵及實務上的啟發提出討論與建議。


The present study explored the relationships among marital power, marital affection and conflict management patterns. Instead of using couples' data separately, this study extended the scope of previous research to employ ”dyadic relationship” as an unit of analysis to characterize each other's interactions. The sample consisted of 769 high school students' parents in Taiwan, a total of 362 couples' data were recruited. Data from the analysis showed that different forms of marital affection were the better predictors of conflict management patterns than different forms of marital power. In addition to direct effects between marital affection and conflict management patterns, there were also indirect effects between marital affection and conflict management patterns through spouses' conflict management patterns. Reciprocity of conflict management patterns was also found in the dyadic interactions between husband and wife. The influential cultural-specific effects as well as practical applications were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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