


Implicit Self-esteem in Chinese


余思賢(Si-Shien Yu);孫蒨如(Chien-Ru Sun)


內隱自尊 ; 內隱關聯測驗 ; 外顯自尊 ; 華人 ; 觸發作業 ; Chinese culture ; explicit self-esteem ; Implicit Association Test (IAT) ; implicit self-esteem ; priming task




22期(2004 / 12 / 01)


329 - 357




過去許多研究都指出西方人具有正向的內隱自尊,但卻鮮少有研究者探討華人的自我評價。本研究則是針對華人的內隱自尊做進一步的探討,一方面希望暸解當排除自我呈現因素之後,華人的整體自我評價趨勢為何;另一方面則是引進不同的中文化的內隱自尊測量方式,探討何者為較理想的測量工具。研究中以內隱關聯測驗(Implicit Association Test,簡稱IAT)與三種觸發作業(priming task)測量受試者的內隱自尊。本研究包括兩個實驗,一百八十三名受試者隨機接受內隱關聯測驗或三種觸發作業之其中一種(作業分別為「我」、「自己」,或「自己名字」的觸發)。結果發現以姓名做為觸發詞的觸發作業是最佳的內隱自尊測量工具,結果也同時顯示華人普遍擁有正向的內隱自尊。在本文最後對內隱自尊的測量結果做了通盤的討論,同時對內隱自尊測驗工具進行了完整的檢討。


Previous studies have often suggested that Westerners have positive implicit self-esteem (ISE). This study investigated Chinese people's implicit self-esteem (ISE), a topic which has been relatively neglected, and explored the best ways to measure it. Three priming tasks and the Implicit Association Test (IAT) were employed to measure ISE. Two experiments were conducted and a total of one hundred and eighty three Chinese participants were randomly assigned to receive the IAT test or a priming task (I, self, or one's own name served as the prime). Results showed that use of a participant's own name as a priming task was the most effective way to measure the individual's implicit self-esteem. Overall results indicated that Chinese people have positive implicit self-esteem. Implications are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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