


A Life-world Approach to Psychological Assessment: A Possibility for Indigenization


李維倫(Wei-Lun Lee);莫少依(Shao-I Mo)


心理衡鑑 ; 本土心理學 ; 生活世界 ; 現象學心理學 ; 臨床心理學 ; clinical psychology ; indigenous psychology ; life world ; phenomenological psychology ; psychological assessment




24期(2005 / 12 / 01)


85 - 135






This paper proposes that the life-world approach to psychological assessment in the existential phenomenological tradition can satisfy the rigorous demands of clinical psychology and also fits the trend of indigenous psychology in Taiwan. Indigenization of clinical psychology, however, is not often discussed in Taiwan although indigenization of other areas of psychology has been taking place for over 30 years. This article first discusses the necessity and possible directions of indigenous clinical psychology in Taiwan. Next, indigenization and its related methodologies are explored through the concept of indigenous match. Finally, the recent professional development in the United States of psychological assessment methods with emphasis on social and cultural contexts and their correspondence with life-world concerns is examined. Analysis of these topics points to the importance of ”context” for psychological phenomena and behaviors, and its role as a conversion point for indigenizing psychology, clinical psychological assessment, and existential phenomenology. An example of a psychological assessment report using a life-world approach is provided to support the discussion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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