


The Strategies of Trust in Chinese Society


王怡文(Yi-Wen Wang);陳亮全(Liang-Chun Chen);黃光國(Kwang-Kuo Hwang)


文化心理 ; 社會信任 ; 習俗信任 ; 華人關係主義 ; 關係網絡 ; Chinese relationalism ; culture psychology ; customary trust ; relation network ; social trust




25期(2006 / 04 / 01)


199 - 241






This paper addresses the unique features of social trust in cultural Chinese societies. A review of the literature on trust indicated that it is very difficult to use theories of trust developed by Western scholars to explain the prevailing phenomena related to trust in culturally Chinese societies. Because interpersonal trust is generally supported by the value system and social norms underlying the meaning of life in a given culture, it is necessary to consider the cultural context when investigating the process of trust. A conceptual framework based on Confucian relationalism is proposed to analyze the domains and features of five prototypes of trust in culturally Chinese societies. Two of the prototypes concern trust within a person's intimate social network, namely kinship trust and emergent trust constituted on the grounds of shared identity. The other three concern trust of social targets outside person's intimate society, including customary trust derived from cultural customs, professional trust relying on the professional knowledge and ability of the trustee, and institutional trust established through rational calculation to maximize personal interests in dealing with an institution. A person may adopt different trust strategies depending on the relation with the trustee. Implications of each prototype of trust are elaborated.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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