


An Exploratory Study of Self-Coordinating Process in Couple Relationship Counseling




陳秉華(Ping-Hwa Chen);李素芬(Su-Fen Lee);林美珣(Mei-Hsun Lin)


自我協調 ; 伴侶關係諮商 ; 華人自我 ; Chinese self ; couple relationship counseling ; self-coordinating process




29期(2008 / 04 / 01)


117 - 182






This study explores the self-coordinating process in couple relationship counseling. Four female adult clients with their couples received 8 to 10 counseling sessions including both individual and couple counseling sessions. Each of the counseling sessions lasted to one or one hour and half. Each client also received one interview session to provide feedback after completing the entire course of counseling. A total of 38 counseling sessions and four interview sessions were videotaped and transcribed for data analysis. The principles of grounded theory were adopted for analysis. The major research findings were: (1) the core themes of relationship disturbance included the source of conflict in the relationship, conflict coping response, and the client's conflict in the inner self; (2) the self-coordinating process in counseling involved the concurrent development of both the individual and relational self. In order to improve couple relationship, all clients initiated the self-coordinating process with their couples. The process was characterized as unique as well as dynamic; (3) the self-coordinating process was facilitated by the willingness to make change of the client, the new awareness of both individual self and couple relationship, direct expression and communication, respect for the other, the mutually affective responses, and the continuity of the changing behaviors. The main conclusion of the study is: Although the course of the self-coordinating process varied for each client, the concurrent development of the individual self, particular in the affective, communicative, and expressive aspects, are helpful to increasing satisfaction with both the self and the relationship development. Research limitations and suggestions for future studies are addressed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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