


Meanings and Processes of Wisdom




楊世英(Shih-Ying Yang)


台灣華人 ; 正面影響 ; 行動實踐 ; 問卷研究 ; 統整 ; 提名法 ; 智慧 ; 華夏文化 ; 評分者信度 ; Chinese culture ; nomination method ; questionnaire ; Taiwan ; wisdom




29期(2008 / 04 / 01)


185 - 237






Western conceptions of wisdom emphasize cognition while Eastern ones tend to hold a more synthetic view. This study incorporates both Eastern and Western conceptions and proposes to define wisdom as a process that emerges after a person cognitively makes an unusual integration, embodies ideas in action, and brings about positive results for both self and others. The proposed process view of wisdom was tested with an open-ended survey of 80 Taiwanese Chinese from a diverse range of occupations and age groups (31-61), from all over Taiwan. Participants nominated wise individuals and provided reasons for their nominations. Results of a qualitative analysis and ratings of two raters showed that wisdom is perceived to be a process with three core components-integration, embodiment, and positive effects. Sixty-six of the 70 individuals indicated as wise by participants agreed to provide their background information. Most were well-educated, middle-aged men. The process view of wisdom was supported.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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