


Adolescent Perceptions of Patterns of Family Relationships and Well-being




林惠雅(Huey-Ya Lin);林麗玲(Li-Ling Lin)


手足關係 ; 父母衝突 ; 共親職 ; 青少年 ; 幸福感 ; 家人關係 ; 親子依附 ; adolescent ; attachment ; coparenting ; family relationship ; parental conflict ; sibling relationship ; well-being




30期(2008 / 10 / 01)


199 - 241






The main goals of the present study were to discover the current level of and the gender differences in Taiwanese adolescent well-being, as well as to investigate the patterns in their perception of family relationships and the different levels of well-being associated with adolescents in each pattern. The subjects in the present study were 327 male students and 320 female students who were in 7th to 9th grades of junior high school. The subjects lived in Taipei County with their parents and had siblings. The adolescents indicated a mid-level of well being with no significant gender difference. Three patterns of adolescent perception of family relationships were identified: closeness and supportiveness, conflict but with connection, and estrangement and conflict. Adolescents indicating the closeness and supportiveness pattern perceived significant higher levels of supportiveness, communication, trust, and closeness than the other two patterns. They also indicated the highest level of well-being. Adolescents in the conflict but with connection pattern perceived higher levels of conflict, but also perceived connection with parents and siblings and supportiveness between parents. Adolescents indicating the estrangement and conflict pattern perceived lower levels of supportiveness, communication, trust, and closeness, and higher levels of frequency and intensity of parental conflict, estrangement with parents, as well as hostility and competition with their siblings. They felt the lowest level of well-being.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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