


Patterns of Coparenting Processes




林雅萍(Ya-Ping Lin);林惠雅(Huey-Ya Lin)


共親職 ; 共親職互動歷程 ; coparenting ; patterns of parental coparenting processes




32期(2009 / 12 / 31)


41 - 97






The present study explores the patterns of dynamic processes of parental coparenting. Five pairs of parents who were dual-earners and who had children in elementary school participated in the present study. Based on content analyses of depth interview of participants, the results showed 2 patterns of dynamic processes of parental coparenting: One parent dominates and the other goes along, and each parents in his or her own way. Within the dominator pattern there were 2 subtypes: Mother dominates and father dominates. Among these patterns, there were several interesting discoveries in the present study. First of all, supportive coparenting might have two different meanings: Parental support reflected interparental agreement regarding parenting goal and practices, and parents who performed their support only tried to maintain surface consistence. Secondly, keeping silence might look like the action of supportive coparenting, however, the parent who kept silence and the child might form the relationship of alignment. Finally, factors such as the amount of time of parental involvement, the power of childrearing decision-making, individual pattern of facing conflict, and consideration about the child might contribute to the patterns of dynamic processes of parental coparenting.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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