


The Counseling Principles of Dao's Approach Based on Lao-tzu's Humanity Theory




洪菁惠(Jin-Hui Hung)


反 ; 老子 ; 相對 ; 無為 ; 虛柔 ; 聖人 ; 道 ; 德 ; Dao道 ; De德 ; Fan反 ; Lao-tzu老子 ; Open-feminine perspective虛柔觀 ; Relativity相對 ; Sage聖人 ; Wu Wei無為




33期(2010 / 06 / 30)


181 - 227






The purpose of this article is to explore Lao-tzu's theory of human nature and to establish counseling principles based on this approach. Lao-tzu's theory of human nature is based on 3 contexts: awareness of relativity, being, and universe. There are 3 main findings about Lao-tzu's view on mental health: the development of relativistic awareness, the increase of open and feminine perspectives, and spontaneity. Together they can be labeled a Fan (反, regaining) philosophy. Besides, Sage is the ideal human being who acts on the nature of Wu Wei (無為), the philosophy of Fan, feminine communication under the perspectives of relativity, being, and universe context. In this article I establish counseling principles based on Lao-tzu's philosophy from the perspectives of multiculturalism and spirituality counseling. I also discuss the counselor's role, the client's possible experiences, and the counseling relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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