


Parentification and Self-Transformation in Intergenerational Relationships: A Study of Women in Early Adulthood




黃宗堅(Tsung-Chain Huang);李佳儒(Jia-Ru Li);張勻銘(Yun-Ming Chang)


代間關係 ; 自我轉化 ; 成年初期女性 ; 親職化 ; early adulthood ; intergenerational relationship ; parentification ; self-transformation




33期(2010 / 06 / 30)


59 - 106






In this study, we first propose a theoretical framework of composite self and the norms of gender roles, and then delineate how parentification develops in Chinese families, and how parentified children who are caught between the traditional and contemporary values, differentiate being oneself from being obedient to develop selfhood. In the preliminary study, 6 women were interviewed, and their parentification and self-transformation experiences were analyzed. The results revealed that unclear parental function, imbalance of authority and responsibility in the marital relationship, preference for males in the gender role expectation, guilt associated with the offspring's enmeshment, and the struggle for position in the sibling relationship were among many factors that precipitated the development of parentified experiences. Furthermore, the impact of parentification on the self development of the young adult women included: sensitivity to the needs and evaluations of others, and the tendency to neglect personal emotions and needs, sacrifice in order to gain attention and position, a tendency to endure unfairness and maltreatment in a relationship, and to pursue achievement and approval. Parentification is in fact a painful process for offspring, but it can be argued that within its constraints is the potential for developing tenacity and resilience. Applications and suggestions for practices and future research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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