


Life Education of Nouslogy by Qian Xu-shan: Reflection and Enlightenment of Death Experience on His Thoughts




陳正凡(Cheng-Fan Chen)


生命教育 ; 死亡經驗 ; 自我 ; 自性本體 ; 緒山心學 ; death experience ; the Ego ; life education ; nouslogy by Qian Xu-shan ; the Self Entity




34期(2010 / 12 / 31)


285 - 327




錢緒山是明朝大儒王陽明的弟子,畢生傳播心學的生命教育,心學會作為明朝最重要的社會思潮,與他對心學的領會與推廣有極重要的關係。本文採取馬賽爾(G. Marcel)存在主義的哲學來釐清論題,並採取生命史的角度,由錢緒山這一生數回面對的死亡經驗出發,來探索其生命因此獲得的反省與啟發,尤其他含冤坐牢兩年,在瀕臨死亡的過程裡實證本體,這對他後來面對生命的態度有很大的影響,他的善生與善終,都可由這個視域來闡釋。通過這個視域的闡釋,本文澄清因黃黎洲徵引羅念菴的說法,引發歷來對錢緒山思想只是在反覆循環的誤解,其實證獲得的本體感應觀,實為錢緒山思想成熟後的主張。他認為本體並不實有,只有通過感應的過程才能得知本體的存在,因此人反而不是去懸空想個本體,而是常靜坐來收攝精神,順應著因緣的發展本真活著,在世情裡保持靈敏的感應,讓生命在事上精鍊,這其實提供給世人有關領悟本體更具體的內容與辦法。


Qian Xu-shan was a disciple of the great Confucianist, Wang Yang-ming during the Ming Dynasty. Throughout his life, he educated people about nouslogy. Nouslogy was a philosophy about how to transform spirit. Nouslogy as the most important social trend of the Ming Dynasty. In this article, the author use Marcel's existentialism to examine Qian's death experiences and to explore Qian's methods of reflection and enlightenment. Marcel's I-Thou relation can explain Qian's realization about nouslogy. During his two years in prison, he experienced being on the verge of death. This experience affected his attitude towards life. The author use this perspective as a framework for interpreting Qian's life. Indigerous psychological reaserch provided accurate studies about the Ego, it is also helpful for interpreting Qian's personality.In the past years, the academic communities of the Chinese philosophy did not give a high opinion to Qian Xu-shan's thoughts. The origin of phenomenon came from Huang Li-zhou's misunderstanding. The author wants to clarify Huang Li-zhou's quotation of Luo Nian-an. Huang's misquotation has caused the misunderstanding that Qian's thoughts occurred only in repeated cycles. Actually, Qian argued that his experiences constituted empirical evidence. That is, Qian held that the Self does not exist in reality; one can only experience the Entity through perception. As a result, one should not just have a fantasy of the Entity. Instead, one should practice meditation to include the spirit and live authentically according to the development of cause. In this way one can keep perception of the world sharp and refine one's life, which is a better way of understanding the Entity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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