


The Meaning of Work and Family and its Role in Coping with Work and Family Conflict: Practicing the Chinese Bicultural Self




陸洛(Luo Lu);張婷婷(Ting-Ting Chang);張妤玥(Yu-Yueh Chang)


工作與家庭衝突 ; 工作與家庭意義 ; 折衷自我 ; 社會取向自我觀 ; 個人取向自我觀 ; composite self ; individual- and social-oriented self ; meaning of work and family ; work and family conflict




37期(2012 / 06 / 30)


141 - 189






Most research on work and family has been conducted in a Western context. From the perspective of ecological systems theory, each culture shapes the development of its people through the shared value system, family structure, and educational institutions. Culture plays an important role in the study of work and family. As work and family conflict can be stressful, the ”meaning” that an individual gives to certain roles or stressors is a key factor affecting perceived strain and influencing the choice of coping strategies. One's view of oneself is the foundation of individual psychological functioning as well as one's interactions with others, groups, and the larger society. It also shapes the meaning of work and family for an individual. The present study take the vantage point of the self, namely the individual-oriented self, social-oriented self, and composite self, to explore how individuals construct the meaning of work and family, and how it in turn affects the interface between work and family.We used in-depth qualitative interviews to draw on the rich life experiences of participants to understand how they make sense of work and family conflict. We used these narrative accounts to identify the influence of self view in the construction of the meaning of work and family, in the experience of work and family conflict, and in the effort to resolve conflict. Results indicated that people with different views of self did experience work and family interactions differently. The meanings of work and family are subjective, and based upon these personal convictions, people devote different levels of effort and adopt different strategies to cope with work and family conflict.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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