


The Bonding Process and Conflict Resolution of Couples: A Text Analysis of Qiung Yao Romance Novels




趙文滔(Wen-Tao Chao)


伴侶結合過程 ; 伴侶衝突 ; 伴侶諮商 ; 浪漫愛情流行文化 ; 親密感 ; 瓊瑤小說 ; couple bonding process ; couple conflict resolution ; couple counseling ; intimacy ; pop romance culture ; Qiung Yao romance novel




37期(2012 / 06 / 30)


99 - 138






Research has confirmed discrepancies between local and western couples in the concept of intimacy, although few studies of intimacy have adopted a cultural perspective. Using a pop culture lens, the possible influence of pop romance novels on Taiwanese couples relationships was explored through an examination of how pop romance texts present intimacy, and the messages they convey. The texts of six Qiung Yao romance novels were analyzed qualitatively to ascertain the bonding process of couples and the ways that the couples in the novels deal with conflict with the goal of discovering whether they influence readers' real intimacy behaviors. The analysis identified four dynamics that seem to facilitate the bonding process: good impression, determination and painstakingness, fear of loss, and social recognition. Characteristics of first reactions when couples face conflict, coping strategies for conflict, and the process of conflict resolution were also identified. Possible impacts of these characteristics on couples and their relationships were also discussed in the contexts of local culture.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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