


The Effect of Perceived Parenting Styles on Adolescents' Dual Filial Belief: A Mediational Analysis




黃士哲(Shih-Jhe Huang);葉光輝(Kuang-Hui Yeh)


父母教養方式 ; 承諾性順從 ; 情境性順從 ; 感激之情 ; 親密感 ; 雙元孝道模型 ; committed compliance ; dual filial piety model ; gratitude ; parent-child intimacy ; parenting ; situational compliance




39期(2013 / 06 / 01)


119 - 164






The purpose of this research is to investigate the critical factors that mediate the influence of perceived parenting on adolescents' dual (reciprocal and authoritarian) filial belief. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was adopted to analyze the data and validate the hypotheses. Study 1 focused on the influence of perceived authoritarian and authoritative parenting on adolescents' authoritarian filial belief. Analysis revealed that perceived authoritative parenting exerts significant positive impact on adolescents' authoritarian filial belief, which is completely mediated by the adolescent's committed compliance to parents. Although perceived authoritarian parenting had a similar positive effect, its influence was not mediated by the adolescent's situational compliance to parents, mainly due to the lack of significant predictive power of situational compliance for the adolescent's authoritarian filial belief.Study 2 examined the influence of perceived authoritative parenting on adolescents' reciprocal filial belief, with the modification of assessing the data of the father and the mother separately to cross-validate the results of Study 1. Study 2A revealed that an adolescent's situational compliance mediates the relationship between the perceived father's authoritarian parenting and the adolescent's authoritarian filial belief towards the father, but not for the mother. Other findings were the same as Study 1. Study 2B demonstrated that perceived authoritative parenting has a significant positive impact on adolescents' reciprocal filial belief, which is mediated by the adolescent's gratitude to the parents. However, the mediating effect of parent-child intimacy was supported only in a single-mediator but not dual-mediator (gratitude and intimacy) model.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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