


Stepping Backward or Moving Forward: The Moderating Effect of Zhong Yong on the Relationship between Na-Nie and Psychological Adjustment




林瑋芳(Wei-Fang Lin);鄧傳忠(Chuan-Zhong Deng);林以正(Yi-Cheng Lin);黃金蘭(Chin-Lan Huang)


中庸 ; 心理適應 ; 拿捏行為 ; na-nie behavior ; psychological well-being ; zhong yong




40期(2013 / 12 / 01)


45 - 84






Na-Nie (拿捏) behavior refers to the ability to express the appropriate behavior in various situations. Although behaving appropriately is expected to correspond to positive psychological adjustment, it may also lead to anxiety and pressure. The current study examined a moderating factor that could contribute to these divergent results. Zhong yong moderated the relationship between na-nie behavior and psychological adjustment. Both Study 1 and Study 2 supported our hypotheses: For those high in zhong yong thinking style, na-nie behavior promoted psychological adjustment, whereas for those low in zhong yong, there was no significant relationship between na-nie and psychological adjustment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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