


Temporality and Spaciality in Anima Care: The Last Search of Dr. Der-Heuy Yee




李維倫(Wei-Lun Lee)


心理療癒 ; 本土心理學 ; 余德慧 ; 柔適照顧 ; 時間性 ; 緩和照顧 ; anima care ; Der-Heuy Yee ; indigenous psychology ; palliative care ; psychological healing ; temporality




43期(2015 / 06 / 01)


175 - 220






Anima care was proposed by Dr. Der-Heuy Yee as a method of palliative care after his years of studying life-ending phenomena. With nearness to death, this approach to psychological healing with companionship is grounded in the primary experiences of human existence and thus goes far beyond the range of mainstream psychotherapies. The theory of anima care, however, was left unfinished as Dr. Yee passed away in 2012. It is necessary to complement his theoretical articulation of anima care in order to advance this indigenously-originated psychological healing approach and connect it with the various theories of psychotherapy. This paper proposes temporality as the core concept for comprehending the experiences of anima care; the experiential transformation of temporality, and spaciality correspondingly, is essential for anima care. Accordingly, this paper illustrates experiences of time and space in anima care. Developing the theory of anima care not only solidifies Dr. Yee’s personal academic achievement, but also deepens and develops the notion of psychological healing in both academic and practical areas of psychology in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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