


Invisible Work? Situation Management as Male Nurses' Coping Strategies at Work




徐宗國(Tsung-Kuo Hsu)


工作的微觀分析 ; 工作評值 ; 男護士 ; 性別化的情境管理 ; 紮根理論研究法 ; gendered situation management ; grounded theory approach ; job evaluation ; male nurses ; micro-analysis of work




44期(2015 / 12 / 01)


151 - 208






This study presents a micro-analysis of what nurses really do at work by comparing female and male nurses' work experiences, by using the grounded theory approach. Our findings are as follows: (1) Nurses do situation management rather than feminizing care or caring at work; (2) The generic nature of situation management in nursing has two attributes: control and invisibility; (3) There are gender differences in nursing styles of situation management; (4) Male nurses do situation management at work as a display of their masculinity, especially under three types of structural conditions outlined in this paper. Situation management is part of the invisible task male nurses do at work; they are doing gender while doing work.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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