


Perceived Need-Supportive Parenting and Adolescents' Adaptation: The Cross- Lagged Mediating Effect of Dual Autonomous Capacity




葉光輝(Kuang-Hui Yeh);吳志文(Chih-Wen Wu);王敏衡(Min-Heng Wang)


交叉延宕分析模型 ; 知覺滿足需求教養 ; 個體化自主能力 ; 適應表現 ; 關係自主能力 ; cross-lagged structural equation modeling ; individuating autonomy ; intrapersonal-domain and interpersonal-domain adaptation ; perceived need-supportive parenting ; relating autonomy




45期(2016 / 06 / 01)


57 - 92






Although existing works have demonstrated that the dual autonomy capacities (individuating autonomy and relating autonomy) are beneficial to Taiwanese adolescents' daily adaptation, few studies have explored which factors facilitate the strength of individuating and relating autonomy. We investigate the superior mediating effect of individuating autonomous (IA) capacity and relating autonomous (RA) capacity between perceived need-supportive parenting (NSP) and adolescents' intrapersonal-domain and interpersonal-domain adaptation with analyses of cross-lagged structural equation modeling. We recruited 1,419 10th grade students using a two-year longitudinal design to test the hypotheses. Results demonstrated that: (1) perceived NSP not only positively contributed to Taiwanese adolescents' one-year-later IA and RA capacities, but also facilitated their oneyear- later adaptation; (2) the IA capacity at T1 primarily mediated the effects of perceived NSP on adolescents' intrapersonal-domain adaptation (sense of well-being) and maladaptation (anxiety tendency) at Year 2, while the RA at T1 primarily mediated the effects of perceived NSP on adolescents' interpersonal-domain adaptation (social skill) and maladaptation (deviant behavior) at Year 2. Limitations and future directions are discussed on the results of this 2-year cross-lagged analysis.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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